Sunday, May 24, 2015

Crocodiles In Mangrove Forests

Every animals have instincts of where their homes or places they've been to are. Like their home in the Mangrove Forest.The Surabaya government had allowed some people build their homes in the forest, which reduces the trees.

And animals who take shelter or hibernate or seek for food there will loose their homes. 
Especially Crocodiles who take shelter mostly in Mangrove Forests.Even worse, home realtors are building more and more houses next to the already built ones. 

If the whole Mangrove Forest are filled with more houses, there won't be any trees left.The Mangrove trees help to suck in water from rains to maintain the balance of seas, rivers and swamps. Well, yeah, trees on land can do that too but not as much and well as Mangrove trees do.Mangrove trees also help trees on land to turn Carbon Dioxide (CO2) into Oxygen (O2).

That is why today, Crocodiles are found in homes of the ones living in Mangrove forests. So, STOP building houses and cutting down the trees or our environment will change dramatically.

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