Friday, October 2, 2015


How do Living Things reproduce?
There are some ways in which living things can produce an offspring. Offspring are babies or a young that is reproduced by their parents.
Living things can produce offspring through:
·       -  Asexual reproduction
·       - Sexual reproduction

Asexual reproduction is the simplest form of reproduction. It requires only one parent. The young produced is a clone of the parent. A clone is a copy of its parent.
Example of asexual reproduction, one of the starfish’s arm separates or unattached from the starfish and starts to form slowly into another starfish that looks like its parent.
Pretty cool, huh? The starfish doesn’t need to mate with another starfish to reproduce. It can reproduce by itself.

Meanwhile, sexual reproduction needs two living organisms to reproduce. They have to mate or get married first. The reproduction requires two genders; a female and a male.
A male has an organ which produces reproduction cells called Sperm Cells. A female also has an organ which produces reproduction cells called the Egg. Those two cells fuse together to produce a baby.
Many Sperm Cells can get to the Egg but only one Sperm cell can fuse with the Egg. Once the Sperm and the Egg fuses together, the Egg is already fertilized. Then, the fertilized Egg slowly develops into a baby, completed with ears, eyes, a nose and the rest of its organs.The developing might take about 9 months and the baby will be born after those 9 months. 
There are two different ways to reproduce sexually; some animals reproduce internally, and some animals reproduce externally.
Frogs and Fish are examples of animals that reproduce externally.
The female Frog first lays the Eggs on a place which the Eggs can attach to. Then, the male Frog points their genital (penis) to the Eggs and spreads out his Sperm Cells to the Eggs. So, the Eggs are fertilized outside the body of their parents’. Frogs and Fish’s way of reproduction is the same.
That reproduction way is called External Reproduction.
Cheetahs and Butterflies are examples of animals that reproduce internally.

First, the female Butterfly and male Butterfly fuses their Sperm Cells and Eggs together to fertilize the Egg. Then, the female Butterfly lays hundreds of Eggs on a leaf. The Eggs first cracks up into a Caterpillar, when the Caterpillar finishes eating lots of food, they made a soft silky cocoon for them to sleep in for months. After those months had past, the Caterpillar starts to develop and turn into an adult Butterfly.

The female Cheetah and male Cheetah fuses their Sperm Cell and Egg together to fertilize the Egg. But, unlike Butterflies, the female Cheetah doesn’t lay its Eggs; its Eggs stay inside the female Cheetah’s abdomen and develops slowly for 9 months until the cub’s body parts & organs are completed. After those 9 months, the cub finally comes out of its mother’s abdomen.

That way of reproduction is called Internal Reproduction. 

Next Summary,

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