Sunday, March 29, 2015


Tea is likely in China as a medicinal drink. It was first introduced to Portuguese priests and merchants in China during the 16th century. Drinking tea became popular in Britain during the 17th century, then the British introduced it to India. Tea was a healthy and enjoyable beverage for people, Tea has lots of good benefits for health and people. People can cure sickness with tea.
Recent studies suggests that Green Tea can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and some cancers, it can also promote oral health, reduce blood pressure, make you calm, help with body weight, provide protection from solar ultraviolet light and increase bone mineral density. Wow! J Cool!
Consumption of Green Tea is associated with a lower risk of diseases that causes functional disability, such as “ stroke and osteoporosis “ in the elderly.
Ice tea and Warm tea are experimented with bacteria and when the scientists put some bacteria, the bacteria were vanished and killed. The scientists say that Warm and Cold Tea can destroy all of the bacteria and parasites in our body.
Black Tea are known as a Red Tea in China.
There are at least six kinds of tea: white, yellow, green, oolong, black and post-fermented tea.
Tea are packaged as Compressed Tea, Tea Bags, Loose Tea, Instant Tea, Bottled and Canned Tea.
Tea that are packaged in an Instant package are dangerous, it may have sodium and food coloring.
Now, I’m going to show you how Tea plants grow. Enjoy!
It takes about 4 to 12 years for a tea plant to bear a seed, and about 3 years before a new plant is ready for harvesting.
Wow! That’s a long time!
In addition to a warmer climate, tea plants needs 127 cm ( 50 inches ) of rainfall a year and prefer acidic soils. Many high quality tea plants are cultivated at elevations of up to 1,500 m ( 4,900 ft ) above the sea level.
While in these heights, tea plants grow more slowly and they acquire better flavor which costs higher price.
Better tea are made with smaller leaves, which teas are very famous in China while in Cambodia people drink tea with bigger leaves.
Tea trees can grow until 16 m ( 52 ft ) tall if its left undisturbed. But Tea plants bears more shoots which provide new and softer leaves that increase the quality of the tea.
Pests of tea like mosquito bugs, eat the leaves so we have to spray the plants with insecticides.
If the place where tea plants grow is polluted and full of bugs, the tea will be dangerous for human health. Also, if the people use non-organic fertilizer, it will also be dangerous for health.
So, if we want better and healthy Tea, we should care for the environment.

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