Sunday, March 29, 2015

To Reach The Cloud of My Dreams

Why do people need to have dreams? Having dreams is important. Sometimes, people do not know what are their dreams, what they want, and what will they do in their future. It is ironic!  
          When people have many dreams about their future, sometimes it can last, and sometimes it can change. Dreams can be carried as a vision. A vision is what you see in the future and what you want it to be.
            Dreams and Visions are a bit different; Dreams are only a 50 percent positive, but Visions are 99 or 100 percent positive in a focus way; how unique you are in your profession, which university will you go to, what actions will you do to enter it and who will you collaborate with.                                          
            As what I’ve said before, dreams can change any time. And that happened to me; I change my dreams for most of the time. When I was 6 years old, I wanted to be a Doctor. It was quite interesting, but a bit creepy – imagine if a dead body walks out of the hospital – that was my cousin’s silly tale. They used to tell me that learning how to be a doctor is fun, so I thought maybe I could be a doctor one day.
            Then, somehow it changed when I started to read many books and watch designing & science programs in TV channels.
            From every knowledge that I’ve got, I want to be a great writer that writes cool stories and a great Animal Scientist with a hobby of interior designing. Time after time I’ve realized that this wasn’t  just a dream, but a vision. And I’m very sure about it.   
            All that I did to reach those visions are my passion. A passion is something that you really love to do all the time. I’ve been reading lots of books like novels, encyclopedia, and biography, surfing the internet and watching some TV shows of knowledge to reach them. Those are my true passion.   
            Doing those stuffs is my everyday life to fill in my spare time. I enjoy most of my time doing them. Sometimes I go with my Mom to the places I love most after she finishes her work in her office, like; the book store, the library, the movie theater, and go to the National park on holiday weekends.                              
            I don’t really enjoy most of the libraries here, because they only have a few literalists. The book store is my most sacred place. Without a book in this world, makes my world, and I think other people’s world will be narrow.
            Books spread our imagination and dreams wider; they fill up the blank pieces of paper with ink which I’ve always imagined that each drop is a thought or memory that you share to the world. Writing a book is to write down your feelings and clear your full working mind into a calm one.                                                              
            It’s like writing poetries and letters to your family or other loved ones.                         You would share your feelings to your Mom, wouldn’t you?                
Well, writing a book is like that too. 
            I hope you now know that reading and writing is an important thing…
Well, now, back to the topic.
            A dream is like a cloud, a cloud that floats way up in the sky. And under that big cloud, there are some small clouds which form your life steps. You must walk step by step up to the stair clouds to reach the big cloud. Those steps can help you to reach it, like the stairs that leads to your favorite room in your house.   
            What I’ve done in my life are my steps, like entering this speech contest is my opportunity to be a famous entrepreneur. And I’ll do my best to make my family proud of me.      
            When I grow up, I want to have college in a foreign country. But I don’t know where, because I’m still considering it. I realized, I have to search some information
for a college. Some of those became my judgment; among others are Juilliard University, Reed College, and Cambridge University. I think I’d prefer to go to Cambridge.  But, how can I get a scholarship to go to that university? I have to do that by doing actions.
My actions are searching information of each university, study hard and study smart on subjects that I love most, ask other people who has an experience of studying there for more information, surf the internet and read lots and lots of books.
            Study hard is to focus on the subject that I love and that’s connected to my dreams. And Study smart is to find a way to reach my dreams faster. Choose an effective way and decide how creative/unique I am in that profession.
            After I’ve done the three of them; vision, passion, and action, I think I’m already near my dream cloud. So when I go to college and then graduate from it, I need to collaborate with someone that has the same dream as I do, also a kind hearted & truthful one, because none of the professions can stand alone, but they need to synergy with each other.
            Example, if you want to make a movie, you don’t just need an actor or actress to do it. You’ll also need a camera expert, anime/cartoon maker, sound man and some musicians, right? If they work together, they could make amazing movies, don’t you think?    
            Who knows, maybe you and your partner can make a company together and make a success. Finally, you’re in the cloud of your dreams! J

Thank you for reading,
Fairuza Hanun Razak 

“Go, live your dream” by Hookhand in Tangled
“I have a dream, I just want to see the floating lanterns gleam!” by Rapunzel in Tangled.
“I can live, I can fly. Chase the wind and touch the sky!” by Merida in Brave

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